John Wiley & Sons - New York
Formato: 8°(20)

Numerose illustrazioni nel testo e fuori testo

Legatura: Tela editoriale.

Collezione delle opere di John Ruskin in 12 tomi:

1 Modern Painters riuniti i vol. 1 e 2.  LXXIII, 429; XIII, 230 P.

2 Modern Painters vol. 3.  XII, 341. 17 tav.

3 Modern Painters vol 4: Of Mountain Beauty . X, 403 p. 32 tav

4 Modern Painters vol 5. XV, 390. 34 tav.

5 The Stones of Venice vol 1 e prima parte, vol. 2. XV, 434, 21tav. ; VIII, 150, 20 tav.

6 The Stones of Venice vol. 2 parte seconda, vol 3. 151-397 p.; IV, 376 p. 12 tav.

7  The Seven Lamps of Architecture. XII, 206, 14 tav.; Lectures on Architecture and Painting. VI, 189; The Study of Architecture. 29p.; The Poetry of Architecture,IV, 245.

8 The Two Paths 217 p.; Lectures on Art. 202 p; The Political Economy of Art. 125p.; Pre-Raphaelitism 56 p. Notes on the construction of sheepfolds 40 p.; The King of the golden river 39 p.

9 the Elements of Drawing. XVIII, 234 p.; The Elements of Perspective. XII, 144 p.; Aratra Pentelici. XI,181 p. XXI tav.

10 Ariadne Florentina. IV, 233 p.; Fors Clavigera part I. 119 p. 2 tav.; Fors Clavigera part II. 160 p. 2 tav.; Fors Clavigera part III. 201 p. 5 tav.

11 Sesame and Lilies. XLII, 186 p. The Ethics of the Dust. 251 p. The Crown of wild olive. XXI, 127 p.,; The Queen of the Air. VII, 178 p.

12 Time and Tide, by Weare and Tyne.VII, 210 p.; Unto This Last. XVIII, 138 p.; Munera Pulveris. XXVII, 164 p.; The Eagle’s Nest. VI, 203 p.

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